Finding the best websites for writers is virtually impossible because best differs for all of us. However, the point of this blog is to pass along the resources that I use as a writer and to discover new ones. Below are some of my favorite websites for writers with a quick description of each. Please leave me a comment if you can think of a good site to add to the list. You can also check out my previous post Websites for Writers from May for more great resources.
Copyblogger: I work for a digital marketing agency and write a lot of copy. I really enjoy the fresh, funny articles on Copy Blogger that are filled with great information.
Good Reads: This is a social network for readers. You can read reviews, chat with other readers, add friends etc. Good Reads is a great way to find awesome books and awesome readers. On a side note – if you’re looking for great places to buy a book, check out these independent Michigan bookstores.
Fiction Writer’s Mentor: Mentoring and advice from published author Tracey Culleton.
Ink Provoking: Keeping it fresh is imperative for writers, especially when you seem to stick with the same genre etc. This site has great writing prompts.
New Pages: This site is fantastic. At New Pages you will find writing contests, writers’ markets, submissions and other great stuff.
The Writers Manifesto: This is a blog about freelance writing with some good articles and tips.
Writing Forward: This site has it all: writing tips, exercises, grammatical info., and resources. Writing Forward also has great comment sections with more valuable information from writers.