Writer’s groups are invaluable to the process. I have recently been spending some time in the Lansing area and have found a myriad of groups and tools that I wanted to extend to you as well. Sometimes writing can be a lonely business, thus the import of writer’s groups – not to mention that every piece of writing can benefit from additional eyes and insights.
Check out some of the groups below if you’re looking to meet and connect with other Michigan writers.
Writing at the Ledges: A group of Michigan writers who meet in Grand Ledge to talk about and critique each others’ work.
Skaaldic Society: Lansing area writers who meet for a monthly writers’ group. The Skaaldic Society also hosts Michigan’s popular writing conference A Rally of Writers.
Lansing Poetry Club: This group holds regular poetry meetings and scheduled workshops.
MSU Writing Center: The center provides writing workshops and assistance to MSU students and faculty.
Mid-Michigan Prose and Writing Group: An Ann Arbor group that brings local writers together support, constructive criticism and discussion.
Grand Rapids Region Writer’s Group: Grand Rapids area writers who meet on the second Saturday of each month.
Motown Writer’s Group: Detroit area writer’s group.Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. –
Robert Frost