As part of the launch of Ula: Born of Shadows, I decided to try out a rafflecoptor giveaway. I’ve been hearing about rafflecoptor on the indie author circuit and it sounded like a cool way to host a giveaway and generate a bit of social media interest surrounding the book. I had a lot of intentions for launch time and a few have come to fruition, but some things I’ve just had to part with for now. For instance, as I write this at 6 am on a Sunday morning, my eighteen month old is trying to crawl into my lap. He can definitely hinder my productivity some days and the truth is that I want him too. I love to write, but I’ve been writing my whole life. I’ll write long after he’s grown and moved on with his own life. Right now as he learns his first words (“no” and “tractor”), begins to run and jump and chase the kitties, still wears footie pajamas – I want to be here for him and not ‘here’ in the physical sense, but in the full meaning of that word – here with my mind, my heart and my spirit – all of it present for the wonder that he brings to every experience.
I digress! To get back to the topic at hand, you can join the contest below and get entered for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of Ula: Born of Shadows. On a separate, but related note, I sent out eBook copies of Sorciére Book 2 on Friday to my ARC Readers. I’ll post an update with a specific release date soon.