Happy St. Patrick’s Day writers! I just went for a beautiful walk and listened to the groaning trees and clucking birds with such glorious fervor. Spring has finally shown her beautiful face and we can, at long last, see the lingering entrails of winter melting into the earth.
Look below for new writing jobs in Michigan and from home. Please also feel free to post comments, send suggestions or say what ever moves you. This is a space for writers (even if I seem to be the only one talking currently).
Writing Jobs in Michigan
Technical Writer: Ann Arbor
Financial Advisor Needs Writer: Bloomfield Hills
Service Writer: Chelsea
Marketing Internship: Detroit Metro
Grant Writer: Detroit
Write/Send Press Releases: East Lansing/Telecommute
Exceptional Woman Ghost Writer: Grand Rapids
Social Media Coordinator: Grand Rapids
Process Documentation/Analyst/Writer: Grand Rapids
Editor/Proofreader: Grand Rapids
Sports Editor: Hillsdale
Technical Writer: Kalamazoo
Technical Writer: Lansing
Video Journalist: Lansing
Newspaper Hiring Journalists: Southfield
Marketing Plan Writer: Southfield
Business Plan/Technical Writer: Southfield
Technical Writer: Troy
Proposal Writer: Troy
Service Writer: Waterford
Telecommute (From Home) Web Writer Wanted
And Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast
rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
~Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Sensitive Plant”